Friday Report

The pages in the Friday Report are about adult offenders in both prisons and jails in Georgia. They contain statistical snapshots and trends in the populations and movements of offenders in the state prison system, on probation, on parole, and in local jails.

Download this pdf file. Friday Report - 3/21/2025

Information comes from databases of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) and the Board of Pardons and Paroles, and from data provided by local jailers via the Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). Information is summarized into tables in the GDC/Parole Data Warehouse, and is extracted into these pages each Friday. Information includes:

  • Graph and table of releases from prison via clemency vs maxout (parole vs service of 100% of sentence), since 2000
  • Inmates with methamphetamine offenses, and the changing racial composition of meth inmates since 2000, as more and more non-whites are convicted for this once virtually all-white offense
  • Non-violent first incarcerants since 2000, whose population may be impacted by Georgia's 2012 sentence-reform initiative.
  • Seven Deadly Sins inmates with "serious violent felonies" who have long mandatory prison terms, since 2000.
  • Age composition since 2000 of inmates in their teens, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and sixty+, and the changing average age of the prison population.
  • All housed offenders since March 2009, showing counts of prisoners, probationers, and parolees in all different kinds of facilities, and in local jails waiting for state facilities.
  • Probationers in jail since March 2009, waiting for detention centers, Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) centers, and probation boot camps.
  • State inmates in jail since March 2009, awaiting placement in state prisons, broken out by their phase in the assignment procedure.
  • Female state inmates in jail since March 2009, awaiting placement in a state prison for females.
  • Jail composition, showing number of unsentenced inmates, state inmates, county inmates, and miscellaneous "other" inmates in Georgia jails since 1993.
  • Two views of jail backlog, comparing the jailers count of state inmates in their jails with GDC's official "jail backlog" of inmates awaiting pickup to prison, showing why the jailers' count will always be higher than GDC's, and explaining that both are valid counts of different phenomena.