Open Records Request

Georgia’s Open Records Act (ORA), O.C.G.A. §50-18-70, et seq., makes most government records available to the public.

Open Records Request

Open records requests should be submitted through our Open Records Request portal.

Common exceptions to ORA in the GDC’s records:

  • Offender central office and institutional files (including, but not limited to, disciplinary reports, grievances, housing assignments, inmate telephone system call information and emails, and security classifications);
  • Investigations and intelligence information compiled by the Office of Professional Standards;
  • Personal information about the GDC’s employees;
  • Policies and procedures that could compromise safety and security at a prison or contain information that could be used by an offender or someone else to commit a crime; and
  • Offender medical and mental health records (without a HIPAA compliant consent form).

GDC Response & Cost

  • The GDC has three (3) business days to provide an initial response.
  • Copies of documents (non-medical) are $0.10 each.
  • The fee for searching for and redacting public records is billed at the hourly pay rate for the lowest paid employee who is qualified to conduct the work.