Probation Detention Center

A probation detention center (PDC) is a minimum security facility for confining probationers up to 180 days. Offenders may be sent directly to the center as a sentencing option or if they prove unable to fulfill their probation obligations in the community, may be sent to the detention center as a result of a revocation proceeding. There are seven PDCs currently in operation with a total of 1,836 beds. One of the centers house female probationers, totaling 237 beds.

PDCs provide a sanctioning option for probationers who require more security or supervision, but may not qualify for a boot camp. The centers are highly structured, with regimented schedules that include supervised, unpaid work in surrounding communities and programming geared toward making them more successful in the community.

There are three facilities that house probationers with severe substance abuse problems. Two facilities serve male offenders with a capacity of 592 beds, and one facility provides services for female offenders with a capacity of 198 beds. The program for all three facilities offers advanced cognitive-behavioral substance abuse treatment with a complete mental health component.